Step you game up with private classes
Feel like your struggling with a technique? Or maybe you want to accelerate your learning? Either way, some one-on-one time with an instructor will boost your game like you never could have expected. The personal attention allows our instructors to fully evaluate your strengths and weaknesses to develop a personalized plan to get your game to the next level.
To set up a lesson you can contact us or speak to your instructor directly.

Seminars are a great way to get an outside perspective and freshen up your normal training routine. As dedicated BJJ athletes, our instructors are constantly developing their own game, learning the newest techniques and subtleties so they can share them with others.
Want to Schedule a Seminar?
Law Enforcement & Private Security
Putting your life on the line as your job is physically and emotionally demanding. As a law enforcement officer, you are likely to encounter situations that normal citizens would never even dream of. For this reason, we have adapted the typical Brazilian Jiu Jitsu techniques, and developed new ones, to compensate for these more dangerous situations.
Our Law Enforcement and Security classes are dedicated to giving security professionals an additional set of tools for use in close-quarters and hand-to-hand combat. Allowing you to control a situation and effectively subdue a perpetrator, the risk of harm to yourself and the perpetrator are greatly reduced.
Want to Schedule a Private Training?